Simon Kaufmann

Software Developer
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Operating System 'Viennice'

Dec 3, 2018

I have been interested in the inner workings of a computer system for a while and am particularly fascinated by every piece of software running very close to hardware. Major software known for running very low level is the operating system - hence I created one. The whole project is written in C with some code written in assembly where necessary. Architecture used is x86 - the 32 bit Intel architecture used in essentially all of today’s PCs and laptops (unless very new hybrid tablets which are running on an ARM processor instead). Every operating system has a crucial problem...


Operating System 'Viennice'

Dec 3, 2018

I have been interested in the inner workings of a computer system for a while and am particularly fascinated by every piece of software running very close to hardware. Major software known for running very low level is the operating system - hence I created one. The whole project is written in C with some code written in assembly where necessary. Architecture used is x86 - the 32 bit Intel architecture used in essentially all of today’s PCs and laptops (unless very new hybrid tablets which are running on an ARM processor instead). Every operating system has a crucial problem...


Environmentally Conscious Recipe Recommender

Nov 5, 2018

As an Edinburgh hackathon project together with friends we created a showcase within a day to demonstrate how technology can help people reduce their CO2 footprint. Our project helps people to select recipes based on ingredients that are local and in season. The Backend is written in Python using the Flask framework and can be deployed to Heroku. It provides a web interface and an app written in NativeScript and running cross platform. During the project I have been responsible for the app development. The code for the whole project can be found here, the app can be run through...


Environmentally Conscious Recipe Recommender

Nov 5, 2018

As an Edinburgh hackathon project together with friends we created a showcase within a day to demonstrate how technology can help people reduce their CO2 footprint. Our project helps people to select recipes based on ingredients that are local and in season. The Backend is written in Python using the Flask framework and can be deployed to Heroku. It provides a web interface and an app written in NativeScript and running cross platform. During the project I have been responsible for the app development. The code for the whole project can be found here, the app can be run through...


ARDF Transmitter

Apr 2, 2018

The aim of this project was the development of a universal, practicable ARDF transmitter for the Austrian Amateur Radio Association (ÖVSV). Amateur Radio Direction Finding or short ARDF is a racing contest where contestants use special radio receivers helping them to search and find multple transmitters hidden in the surrounding terrain. The concept for this transmitter is based on the diploma project “ARDF Duoband Transmitter” by Simon Außerlechner, Clemens Moroder and Gerald Renner at HTL Anichstraße from 2006, with the design revised and partly extended with new functionalities. The ARDF transmitter is able to transmit automatically both in the 80m-...


ARDF Transmitter

Apr 2, 2018

The aim of this project was the development of a universal, practicable ARDF transmitter for the Austrian Amateur Radio Association (ÖVSV). Amateur Radio Direction Finding or short ARDF is a racing contest where contestants use special radio receivers helping them to search and find multple transmitters hidden in the surrounding terrain. The concept for this transmitter is based on the diploma project “ARDF Duoband Transmitter” by Simon Außerlechner, Clemens Moroder and Gerald Renner at HTL Anichstraße from 2006, with the design revised and partly extended with new functionalities. The ARDF transmitter is able to transmit automatically both in the 80m-...


EMG Muscle Therapy Device

Mar 4, 2018

This project has been developed together with the NGO “A chance for children” who are helping children in Uganda. Some of the children have injured muscles and need to slowly start practicing moving their arms again. The goal for this project was to create a device supporting these children in their recovery by developing a device which can measure muscle contraction using electrodes and detecting the small electric signal (electromyography). The device then sets a contraction pattern as the goal and gives the user feedback on how well they are doing in achieving it. The software is running on a...


EMG Muscle Therapy Device

Mar 4, 2018

This project has been developed together with the NGO “A chance for children” who are helping children in Uganda. Some of the children have injured muscles and need to slowly start practicing moving their arms again. The goal for this project was to create a device supporting these children in their recovery by developing a device which can measure muscle contraction using electrodes and detecting the small electric signal (electromyography). The device then sets a contraction pattern as the goal and gives the user feedback on how well they are doing in achieving it. The software is running on a...


AVR USB Flash Drive

Jan 16, 2018

It’s fascinating to test how much you can get out of a tiny microcontroller, for example the Atmel ATmega 16, an 8 bit processor clocked at about 16 MHz. Communicating via USB is a challenge for such a comparably slow and low power device (with as little as 32kB of storage available for the compiled code). The processor does not come with any hardware USB support and therefore everything needs to be done in software. This project is based on VUSB, a library implementing low-speed USB 1.1 on the AVR microcontroller and the goal was to implement the USB Mass...


AVR USB Flash Drive

Jan 16, 2018

It’s fascinating to test how much you can get out of a tiny microcontroller, for example the Atmel ATmega 16, an 8 bit processor clocked at about 16 MHz. Communicating via USB is a challenge for such a comparably slow and low power device (with as little as 32kB of storage available for the compiled code). The processor does not come with any hardware USB support and therefore everything needs to be done in software. This project is based on VUSB, a library implementing low-speed USB 1.1 on the AVR microcontroller and the goal was to implement the USB Mass...


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